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Haiwan is recognized as one of the producers puerh (Pu Er tea) most influential and famous Yunnan. If this relatively young company was founded it there's a decade, she is heir to a heritage much older, and it is in the mythical Menghai Tea Factory, from which the two co- founders Haiwan Mr Zou Bing Liang (邹炳良) and Ms. Lu Guoling (卢 国 龄), to look for the roots of this company.

- 1. Logo LaoTongZhi Haiwan on a wafer
- 2. Galette Haiwan and Fei Nei
- 3. Mr Zou Liang Bing, founder of Haiwan
- 4. Enter Menghai Tea Factory
Ms. Lu Guo Ling was indeed one of the key personalities Menghai Tea Factory for over 30 years and has contributed greatly to the success of the company between 1959 and 1998, through different positions including vice-director she held at his departure and the creation Zhou Bing Liang Haiwan Tea Factory. Entered Menghai Tea Factory in 1957 Mr Zou Bing Liang, there will also be held for 30 years, including research department. It is also part of the first to experiment with the fermentation of puerh, which is the origin of the theory, and is responsible for the development of different recipes that made the famous teas of this historic undertaking, before founding in 1999 Haiwan on this legacy.
With around 1200 tonnes per year, the company, which also produces the puerh (Pu Er tea) green tea and black tea is also now in terms of quantity one of the largest producers of puerh (Pu Er tea) Yunnan, however, far from Menghai Tea Factory or Xiaguan (which show an annual production of about 6000 tons) and has since its beginning largely export-oriented. Of the 1200 tons produced in 2009, nearly 800 tonnes, more than half have left China, particularly in Japan, a country recognized particularly sharp about the safety of imported products, including teas and are officially Haiwan imported since 2007.
Haiwan Yunnan Tea Industry
The headquarters of Haiwan, sales center and research Haiwan Yunnan Tea Industry, is in a magnificent building with contemporary architecture west of Kunming. Mainly composed of offices and meeting rooms this is the headquarters of the company and is defined including all matters concerning the marketing, sale, export, communication and corporate image and produced by the four brands Haiwan Tea Industry: LaoTongZhi (老 同志), Jiajia (加嘉) QienFu (千 福), and GuiZhiXian (桂枝 香). It is understood that the fragment visible Haiwan Tea Industry, and this is the side of Anning, mountains and tea Menghai to look for the origin of the teas from this producer.
Next in fact an original strategy of Lu Guoling to extend the factory to the mountain tea, the company is not based as is usually the case on a single production center but on a network of separate units located in different strategic locations ranging from Menghai in Kunming, also inspired model of the functioning of large factories of the communist state.
basics of buying raw material in the mountains, and Yusho Pasha
At the top of the production chain, two units of permanent Haiwan established in 2003 and 2004 are in the riding of Menghai, respectively, in a village of the mountain Aini Yusho (玉 寿山) (Menghai Xien, Gelanghe Xian) and a village in the mountains Mengpasa (勐 帕沙 山), often simply called Mountain Pasha. These units allow the primary choice, selection and purchase of permanent leaves closest to the peasants and small farmers in these mountains and thus provide nearly 1,000 tons of mao cha Haiwan. In principle these permanent primary units are reminiscent of those maintained by the state during the communist era in different growing regions and officials allow the supply of plant status as Menghai Tea Factory and Kunming Tea Factory, or more recently in the primary work units and purchase sheets mounted by Chen Sheng Wu Yi and Lao Banzhang The presence of the producer within production areas naturally allows selection and quality control finer and followed a more regular than that obtained by paying regular spot or by providing the wholesale markets.
The Base purchase and fermentation Menghai
Founded in 2004, in the region Menghai this is where are fermented in the full puerhs Haiwan. Located 8km from the village of Manwei the site was carefully chosen not only for its climate, humidity, temperature, absence of pollution, but also for the quality of the water source therein, these natural elements are crucial if one seeks a perfect fermentation. The emphasis on these elements, especially water, is not without thinking about the mythical source that feeds the plant Menghai Tea Factory and to which some attribute among others the uniqueness of the fermentation of the producer . Thereby separating the fermentation unit of the main plant and the offset at this point in the heart of nature is against it, especially for a producer of this magnitude, something quite remarkable. The fermentation of Haiwan also being surrounded by some secret, as is often the case especially in plants with plants inherited Heritage status, it is virtually impossible to visit or to publish photographs that fermentation unit on which the company is very discreet.
The plant Haiwan to Anning
The current plant, the nerve center of Haiwan, was built in 2006 at the height of five years of the great boom puerh, and replaces the original plant built in 1999. Today 140 people work and nearly 1600 tons of tea are produced every year, with a maximum capacity of about 3000 tons. The plant is located next to Anning, a small town 32km west of Kunming and gradually tends to become a suburb of Kunming. Like other databases Haiwan plant, large (50 000m2), luxurious and very contemporary architecture stands in the center of nature. Anning at the site was chosen because, not only for its proximity to Kunming, but for a peaceful and unpolluted surroundings.

- 1. Plant in Anning Haiwan
- 2. View of the plant to Haiwan Anning - Copyright Haiwan Tea Industry
- 4. Plant production Haiwan
But it is an interesting choice and rare enough to set up his factory around Kunming, Menghai far from where the vast majority of other producers, especially for a company of this size and the vast majority of the leaves comes precisely. .. Menghai. In this regard, Mr Zou Bing Liang, co-founder of Haiwan, advance the strategic interest that is to be located near Kunming, capital of Yunnan, while outside the city and its pollution.
Here come the Maocha so raw and fermented from other units, to be sorted, assembled and pressed and packed. The plant is remarkable for its clinical cleanliness, and its original architecture. All concrete and glass building, on a single floor bathed in natural light, seems to flow like a staircase on the hill, each step of the manufacturing taking place at a given level. The building is separated into two wings, devoted respectively to puerh (Pu Er tea) raw and fermented puerh (Pu Er tea) that communicate visually through a glass hallway. The entire building is built on the principle of transparency, allowing a center aisle to browse the entire factory, whether for controlling the various stages of production, or to give the visitor an overview, while remaining isolated from the leaves by a large bay window.

- 1. glass corridor between the area and gross area fermented plant Haiwan, Anning
- 2. Tri mechanical degrees of leaf, plant Haiwan, Anning
- 3. Room packing teas, plant Haiwan, Anning
Raw and fermented leaves from different soils are first screened for the first time on arrival at the factory to remove any stones, but beans, yellow leaves, hair and other imperfections usually present in the mao cha. They are then separated according to their grade (size and weight of the leaves) to be finely reassembled according to different recipes developed by Mr Zou Bing Liang. Once these assemblies will be made in bulk, pressed brick or cake, or in formats more "practical" as the mini tuo or individual bags. Haiwan was indeed one of the first producers to address the issue of "practice", and along with their production "classic" product since they opened packaging products to "practice". For the latter Haiwan did not hesitate to implement the most advanced technologies, including the latest equipment imported and develop recipes puerh (Pu Er tea) specifically for this purpose, as what one can see in the bags "humbug "Individual products by Haiwan, wrapped by hand, and whose lofty goal and achieved rather well and to go beyond the myth of the bag and to combine this format with quality.

- 1. Bag of tea (fermented pureh) carton Haiwan 2007
- 2. Machine for shaping the bag, factory Haiwan, Anning
- 3. Machine for shaping the bag, factory Haiwan, Anning
- 4. Packing Manual Haiwan tea bags, plant Haiwan, Anning
But this plant is not a place of production, it is also the place where the different Maocha are tasted, analyzed, assembled and where the different recipes that make up the teas are designed Haiwan. It is in a second building, and in the offices of Haiwan, lies the lair of Mr. Zou Bing Liang. The entirety of different leaves, acquired by Haiwan bases, but also the different series of fermentations produced in the unit are Menghai after summers sorted by grade, finely analyzed and tasted. Samples Maocha perform well going back and forth through the permanent Yunnan, especially between the fermentation unit Menghai and assemblies Anning room to adapt the fermentation and the desired result. It is also here, and around the great knowledge of Bing Liang Zou, that the different assemblies are experienced, tasted, compared, as the old recipes are adapted according to the vagaries of the teas of the year and that new revenues are developed.

- 1. Hall of assemblies Haiwan
- 2. Sample reference different mao cha entering revenue Haiwan
- 3. Mao Cha Haiwan mixtures in the room
- 4. Measurement tools used to analyze the physicochemical characteristics of teas
From the human point of view, the company also differs from that found in general. Bing Liang Zou around and Lu Goling evolving a team of origin, age, experience and level of education varied. Haiwan for that is where lies the basis for development of the company, a highly efficient and diversified based on human factors, a criterion not sufficiently taken into account in many large companies. The main objective is to Haiwan that young, if they lack experience in working with learning of the oldest, and the team will bring another dynamic.
dual heritage of socialist China and Menghai Tea Factory
Zou Liang Bing has brought many methods and know-how of 30 years he spent in the famous Menghai Tea Factory, and then state factory where he returned in 1957 at the age of 18. He has been part of the rare few men to have not only witnessed but participated in the birth of what founds the puerh (Pu Er tea) present the appearance of the development puerh (Pu Er tea) fermented and fermentation techniques which are behind and that the development of the fine art of the recipe and the development of historical recipes such as 7542, the 7572 or the 7372.
In 1973 he will go to Guang Dong, sent by Menghai Tea Factory, étuder for wet storage methods that were practiced and lay the foundations of theoretical puerh (Pu Er tea) tea fermentation. The same year he wrote the first book about techniqeu production technique and applied to the fermentation puerh. The reference has since become, what are the production rules, approval standards and techniques he has posed in this book that became the model that is followed to this day, and some attribute such as the entry of puerh (Pu Er tea) on the Hong Kong market in this research. But if it is in the fermentation techniques and the art of blending that Zou Bing Liang derives the bulk of his legacy, the influence of the socialist era did not end there, and plants state he will have learned above all a work approach, a certain rigor, especially on the final product quality, responsibility toward the client and a duty for him that accessibility is the basis on which he now heads Haiwan.
With the privatization of the tea sector, all producers who flourished at the beginning of this century, from the smallest to the largest have somehow reinvent the rules and organization of production puerh (Pu Er tea) and rethink the whole organization of this production, with very different approaches ... sometimes cause large differences in the teas coming out.
Zou Bing Liang, master blender
Mr. Zou Bing Liang whose culture and vision of the tea is in direct continuity of the institutions of the socialist era as Menghai Tea Factory and Kunming Tea Factory is recognized as one of the great blender, or assembler, history of puerh, and carries on his shoulders this approach puerh. Like a recent approach which is to press as is leaves (Maocha) of a soil and a given season and out of the bag such that the peasant, the assembly (or blending in English) is to mix in exactly the same wafer sheets of different sizes, sometimes seasons, gardens of different soils.
The purpose is manifold in particular according to the motivation behind it. While some have tarnished the reputation of the assembly by mixing container quality sheets with sheets cheaper for the sole purpose to Chutter prices of production, assembly when done with care is a noble practice aimed primarily at increasing the quality and stability. This is well above all to adjust the characteristics of different leaves to achieve a better balance in the aroma and appearance of tea and tea that is a guarantee first stable from one wafer to another but it is also possible to reproduce from one year to another, despite the particular weather conditions.

- 1. Mr Zou Bing Liang observing a mao cha, assembly hall, factory Haiwan, Anning
- 2. Two samples close during infusion room, assemblies, factory Haiwan, Anning
- 3. Mr Zou Bing Liang trying to taste a tea room, assemblies, factory Haiwan, Anning
- 4. tea leaves infused Haiwan
Both director and master blender Haiwan, Mr. Zou Bing Liang seems to occupy only rarely his office. It is in the silence of the room assemblies, which are developed, analyzed and adapted continuously revenues Haiwan, he spends the bulk of his days. The atmosphere of this piece, which suggests the glass factory and the nature of Anning, has something unique that marks immediately. Amid a multitude of samples, one who in another time worked on revenue of mythical history puerh, weighs, and taste carefully infuses each sample, seeks the right balance, and year after year retouching each recipe he developed. Because a recipe is alive and is not finished once it has been defined and produced. It will then maintain it every year and finely adjust the composition to reproduce at best the same chemistry in the cup of the drinker, taking despite the vagaries of nature and instability of tea purchased from farmers but also economic realities of different soils, even more volatile in recent years as the climate. This long work of maintaining revenue, when you have a catalog like Haiwan takes on a titanic.
I propose to begin to taste two vintages of one of the finest assemblage of crude Haiwan, from the mountain where Pa-Sha is based unit of work and purchase primary leaves Haiwan. Although this is an assembly and that this tea is claimed as such by Zou Bing Liang, it stems from a single origin located in precise Mengpasha heights over 1700m altitude, and not to a mixture of soils.

Reissued by Haiwan each year the 2010 vintage is particularly interesting in the sense that, although it still comes from the same mountain, its ceremonial character as widely different from that of previous years.

Until 2007, Haiwan also produced parallel and with their original recipes, different recipes from Menghai Tea Factory as the 7548, 7578 or 7598 corresponding respectively to 7542, 7572 or 7592, which Zou Bing Liang had originally participated in the design. An example of such conventional production of Haiwan with 7578, 2005, from a good dry storage in Yunnan.

In 2007 Haiwan stop re-producing revenues Menghai Tea Factory to focus on its own revenues ... until 2011 where reappeared in the catalog Haiwan two classical references, the 7578 and then 7548 (See Article Haiwan, the return of classic )
Zou Bing Liang for the recipe is the most important step in producing a refined puerh, whether raw or fermented puerh. We feel through a tea value of raw material that is used, but this is the recipe that creates stability, consistency. In a famous passage about the recipe, Mr Zou Bing Liang 12 characters defined through the art and technique of the assembly, especially to balance the qualities of different leaves, their propensity to be stored properly and grow old or to highlight the benefits of a particular sheet to offset or mask the potential defects of another.
But it is also in the hands of an expert as Zou Bing Liang a true creative act, for the associated control fermentation techniques and assembly end of the different leaves, carving the aromas and teas to create characters singular. Here to represent it two puerh (Pu Er tea) fermented Haiwan, respectively 2006 and 2007, particularly interesting and diametrically opposed characters.
The first is sold as a gong ting. This is an end of grade puerh (Pu Er tea) fermented, mainly consisting of young shoots or buds.

Contradicting previous tea and finesse of its buds, is one of the great masterpiece of Zou Bing Liang, pressed in 2007 under the name of Puerh Tea Essence in English or Lao Cha Tou (old tea balls) in Chinese. Following an original recipe Haiwan, which was developed by Zou Bing Liang in 1999, this unique tea has so far been pressed twice, in 2007 and 2010. This is a large brick half a kg, consisting of "after tea", compact clumps of leaves that form naturally fermented during fermentation in stack (Wo Dui) and that of puerh (Pu Er tea) Haiwan has collected over several years to produce this tea. The result is something unique, both by the appearance of these nuggets puerh (Pu Er tea) by their intense flavors and enchanting.

In the early years of Haiwan Mr Zou Bing Liang was working alone on the design and maintenance revenue Haiwan. It is to him that we owe all products of this company and the annual adjustments of each product. Same time it forms the last 4 years a young blender that will have to take over. Today it is he who manipulates, under the watchful eye of Zou Bing Liang who oversees the work.
But the influence of socialist China does not stop at the laboratory door Haiwan and the whole ideology of the company that seems inspired, particularly in terms of democratization of tea.
A good tea for everyone
Founder and a point at the center of the ideology of Haiwan is the accessibility of its products with one goal: Making good tea for everyone. For Zou Bing Liang, tea producers must bear the responsibility to produce good tea and to allow all customers to drink, that they be rich or poor. The puerh (Pu Er tea) has always been a product available before the big boom of recent years and Zou Bing Liang producers should be responsible and should be ashamed to face their predecessors if the puerh (Pu Er tea) had become a kind of luxury reserved for a handful of individuals.
We find this philosophy in the range Haiwan. In the early days of the company Haiwan teas were sold under various brand names including Laotongzhi (老 同志 old friend) and Jiajia (加嘉), respectively devoted to high-end teas and more popular. But these four brands, all produced by Haiwan, confusing the market today and Haiwan teas are marketed primarily under the name Laotongzhi, enjoying greater recognition particularly in China. If they are no longer identified by a mark, however, there are always different ranges depending on quality products and selling prices which are very different.
Reflection of the desire to produce popular tea, the references are the cheapest sold at excessively actually reached that place in puerh (Pu Er tea) the cheapest market, where there is usually not much drinkable. I tasted just about everything had produced Haiwan recent years, the most expensive teas, teas and more affordable. Infusions in parallel if they are not entitled to quality and finesse of those sold at four times the price, they remain still throughout as very respectable, it takes a real pleasure to drink and the we must admit that few producers are now able to offer this award teas of this quality.
This is even more striking with fermented teas, which in this price range typically found something heavy and aromatic distressing poverty. It is therefore not simply to provide a tea Haiwan accessible puerh (Pu Er tea) bad for the budget, which is already in spades, but access in this price range with a rich taste in real which the company is reflected.
This we referrals aillor the time and reminds us that the past decades of historical patties sold by CNNP, which are now revered by fans and are worth small fortunes, when they were factory outlets of popular products , not teas destined for an elite.
Let us see what happens with the first two test Haiwan prices, the "Golden Memory" in 2010 and crude fermented and fermented puerh (Pu Er tea) a bulk of 2006, also sold at a very acessible.

Another example of puerh (Pu Er tea) Haiwan cheap, can be more interesting than the previous one, this is fermented in bulk pureh of 2006, matured a few years in dry atmosphere.

quality, rigor and certification in the heart of concerns
Besides the issue of cost of teas, Haiwan puts a point on the production standards and hygiene and quality of its products and, since its inception, has been pushing in that direction. Again this is for Haiwan to be accountable to consumers, who for more than a matter of taste, must be able to have full confidence in it and there's tea in their health with which he was produced. This is especially critical on the question of fermentation, which occurs while a process based on the intervention of organsime living, to be conducted with impeccable cleanliness and that, even if it tends to improve recent years, is often done with a certain lack of seriousness and control by a number of producers.
The whole production process follows in particular Haiwan and since 2006 an advanced method of controlling food safety called HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). Developed in the United States under the control of NASA in the late 50's it is, like a traditional process of quality control based on an analysis of the final product, analyze the dangers ahead and the identification of critical points on which it will be possible to act. More than a "standard" set, as proposed by various labels such as BIO or European standards, this is a true work methodology allows a better control of food safety. The main objective is to Haiwan prevent potential problems by continuous monitoring of critical points at different production such as the purchase of fresh leaves, work sheets (which sha), sorting the leaves before and after fermentation development in a heap to be fermented or drying after compression.

- 1. Different labels on packaging Haiwan
- 2. BIO label on a package Haiwan
- 3. Green Food Labels, BIO and QS on a package Haiwan
- 4. Halal Food Label on packaging Haiwan
Besides the issue of food security, Haiwan is also a leading producer of puerh (Pu Er tea) to have extended the question to the source leaves and bet on the BIO 2006 and obtained from the labels "organic food" and "green food" AA level. In 2007, while in the general frenzy of puerh (Pu Er tea) is produced here and there with a lot of chemistry to the quality of tea more and more questionable, Haiwan passes a new milestone in its demonstration of quality and, having passed 277 analyzes, valid export its teas to Japan, one of the strictest countries in terms of food standards. A year later Haiwan labelized a large part of its teas BIO according to Japanese standards (JAS) (EU) and U.S. (NOP).
Still less common, if not unique, Haiwan obtien Halal labeling in 2008 for a production of its brand Laotongzhi. Very likely for the Malaysian market, consumer puerh (Pu Er tea) and very religious, Halal certifications are very annecdotiques in the middle of tea (tea is widely considered to be Halal is).
It will be even more surprised by observing certain productions Haiwan known as the Pa Sha presented above, noting that if the Halal certification appeared well on the packaging of these wafers in 2010 ... BIO COFCC logo disappeared the same year, giving the impression that the first would replace the last, and that seems more Haiwan put consumers of Halal products as those seeking certifications BIO.

- 1. Signs of an official vendor Haiwan
- 2. Serial number on a package Haiwan
- 3. Label Safety Commission holgraphique on produts Haiwan 2010
- 4. New security tag on a product Haiwan 2011
Due to the scale of its production and its reputation Haiwan also encountered for some time a strong increase in counterfeit and fake products Haiwan, sometimes deplorable quality, flooding the market today, the wholesaler to the online stores from sometimes by vendors Haiwan official (!). Very concerned about the risk that the spread of these inferior products is for the image of the producer, and aware that the quality control also happens outside the factory, various measures have recent summers taken to ensure the consumer quality and authenticity of Haiwan teas, including by creating an extensive network of official dealers, and this year the opening of the Chinese Internet an official outlet whose purpose is to begin high proportion of false Haiwan circulating on taobao, the Chinese equivalent of eBay. Security measures were also added to the patties, which are now numbered and the packaging of which is affixed a label holographic security as do other producers as Menghai Tea Factory. If the measure is effective in limiting small handicrafts counterfeit, which abound in China, it does not prevent against by the false big production, which are long since past masters in the copy of the security hologram.
Beyond tradition: Innovate and adapt to society
If somehow Mr. and Mrs. Zou Bing Liang Lu Guoling are among the heirs of traditional values and time of the large factories of state has largely written the history of modern puerh, the company not remain confined to the classicism leave much room for research and innovation. If one hand as we have seen, Haiwan advance to a permanent increase in monitoring and improving the quality of its products, looking for Haiwan is also largely focused on innovation, and design not only new but also assemblies of products designed to meet the needs of modern customers.

- 1. Young blender Haiwan, explaining the technical prototype of a large cube puerh (Pu Er tea) Haiwan which is currently (2009)
- 2. Brick puerh (Pu Er tea) scored Haiwan
- 3. Mini tuos nature and Rose, produced by Haiwan
- 4. Tea Bags products in 2006 by Haiwan
Times change, lifestyle change, and it is crucial for Haiwan as a producer to follow these developments and to offer products designed and adapted to our times. Puerh's history, the beginning of compression, packing in thongs bamboo through the development of Tuocha or jincha (fungus) has been conditioned by society that consumed these teas and how they storage, transport and consumption. If now a tradition and a certain classicism stood around the remains of another time, the story still being written, especially for producers as Bing Zou Liang Lu Goling attending or for more 40 years in the evolution of this tea and the society around him, it is a duty to continue to think the puerh (Pu Er tea) to reflect reality and needs of this company.
Haiwan was thus a precursor of puerh (Pu Er tea) format "practice", including the production, from its beginnings in 1999 puerh (Pu Er tea) format of "mini tuo" individual 4g, mini bricks and mini cakes 100g, auquelles has added since 2006 of puerh (Pu Er tea) Supplied in a Bag! It is not in Haiwan, and like many producers, a simple marketing plan to expand its customer base and try to invite in the supermarket with a cleverly packaged tea mediocre, but a real challenge: playing with the constraints of the pack to create a quality tea. Thus the production of these teas, they both mini tuos or tea bags, not only makes use of quality raw materials but their recipes were designed specifically for these products. For tea bags Haiwan example, assembly and fermentation were finely tuned and tested according to these formats, and the vocation of this product to be consumed quickly and not stored as a compressed puerh. Also looking at the packaging itself, or by how its shape and material re-think the tea bag for it substitutes for the teapot and become a tool able to infuse a puerh (Pu Er tea) properly.
See for example, scored a mini brick of 100g, produced in 2006 and is a good example of combining Haiwan product quality, tradition and a convenient format. In the name of "Imperial Tea Brick" it is carefully packed in a paper on behalf of the company then packaged in a gold wrapper. The gold packaging, the details of the mold shape and especially the name of this tea are also not without reference to fang gong zhuan cha which inspired the square Dayi 2009.

Without reviewing all products "practices" proposed by Haiwan, see may be the most extreme case, produced a year after this mini brick compressed. Unafraid of prejudice, Haiwan has indeed been prepared to address the tea bag, a first time in 2006 and in 2007 greatly improved with this version and the challenge of bringing in a quality bag tea.

Finally the inovation of teas extends beyond themselves or their packaging, and research Haiwan also to rethink the question of the sale and distribution, in particular to ensure the best customers with reasonable and stable prices, and try again to prevent falsification.
A network of official dealers under contract which was established and covers all regions of China, this year coupled with the opening of an outlet line (in China). But that's not all, with a complete redesign of its website (in Chinese), Haiwan took the opportunity this year to develop the beginnings of what would become a large Chinese portal around the puerh, also with a selling space dictionary of tea, a wiki and a community space to bring the knowledge and culture of this tea more accessible and inviting consumers to demand more of the nature and quality of the product, an initiative to follow .. .
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